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SIXT Loyalty Program

Join now. Enjoy exclusive benefits.

Reap the rewards of being a repeat customer by joining the SIXT Status Program. Our status levels offer customers a range of great benefits that make renting a car with SIXT even easier and more attractive. The best part is, that the more you rent with SIXT, the higher the status level you qualify for. Enjoy perks like discounted rentals, free additional driver, and free car upgrades. Start with at our Express level. Its free of charge when you make a SIXT account or when you rent with SIXT. Work your way up to the Gold and Platinum statuses. Our Diamond level is reserved exclusively for our most loyal customers who are invited to enjoy exclusive benefits and services.

SIXT Status
Discounted Rates
Save with every rental.
Faster pick-up
Speed up your journey with mobile check-in and exclusive counters.
Free upgrades
Enjoy free upgrades upon availability.



Free registration

  • Every rental counts. From now on, you will be one step closer to the next status level with every rental.
  • Collect bonus points with participating partner programs¹
  • Get to your vehicle faster with the mobile check-in through the SIXT App.


Reach Gold status with your 5th rental³

  • All benefits of the Express status
  • Up to 10% discount on all rentals²
  • Preferred Mobility: Forgot to book your rental car? No problem. Sixt prioritizes your reservation when calling up to 48 hours prior to your rental start.


Reach Platinum status with your 10th rental³

  • All benefits of the Gold status
  • Up to 15% discount on all rentals²
  • Free car upgrade upon availability⁴
  • Exclusive counter and parking


Diamond status is by invitation only

  • All benefits of the Platinum status
  • Up to 20% discount on all rentals²
  • Guaranteed upgrade for free⁵
  • Diamond lounge and VIP counter access and parking

Transfer your membership to sixt

If you have a loyalty status with another car rental company, SIXT will match it. Our status match program is free and lets you get a comparable SIXT status in a few easy steps. Just click on the link below, choose your car rental company's loyalty status level and enter your contact information. After that, you will be matched accordingly to the equivalent SIXT loyalty status and can access your benefits right away.⁶

Exclusive offers with the SIXT newsletter

SIXT Status

When you subscribe to our newsletter, you will enjoy the advantages of special offers for SIXT Rent, SIXT Share, SIXT Ride and SIXT+ car subscription services and many more directly in your inbox.

Any more questions?

If you'd like to know more about the SIXT status program, please visit our loyalty scheme FAQs. If you are already a SIXT customer, you should be able to find all the answers you need.

SIXT Status Program FAQs

Terms and conditions

¹Certain rates are excluded from miles collection. Mileage reward promotions cannot be combined. Any mileage not automatically registered can be credited to the member’s account within 6 months of use of the service concerned.

²On discountable rates for offline and private customers at the respective time of rental at the rental location at Sixt rent a car and Sixt rent a truck. Discount amount subject to local availability. May not be combined with special offers.

³Reach Gold status with your 5th rental in 12 months.

Reach Platinum status with your 10th rental in 12 months. Applies to residents of Belgium, Spain, France, UK, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the USA only. For residents of all other countries, 20 or more rentals apply.

⁴Includes an upgrade to the next higher vehicle category. Subject to availability, not valid for long-term rentals, special categories (Sports & Luxury) or trucks. The possibility of receiving an upgrade is only valid for up to 12 months from the issue date of the card. This advantage remains when you rent at least 10 times per 12 months with Sixt. Applies to residents of Belgium, Spain, France, UK, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the U.S. only. For residents of all other countries, 20 or more rentals apply.

⁵Includes an upgrade to the next higher vehicle category. Not valid for long-term rentals, special categories (Sports & Luxury) or trucks.

⁶Here are some examples of the loyalty status match with SIXT. You can switch from Hertz Gold, Europcar Privilege Club, Avis Preferred, Enterprise Plus, and more to SIXT Gold. If you have Hertz Five Star & President, Europcar Privilege Executive, Europcar Privilege Elite, Europcar Privilege Elite VIP, Avis President's Club status or equivalent, you will invited you to join the SIXT Platinum tier.